Camacho Connecticut 6 X 60 - Cigar Smoke Shop
Camacho Connecticut 6 X 60 Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Camacho Connecticut 6 X 60

Camacho Connecticut 6 X 60 cigars were created in response to countless consumer and retailer requests for a more mild-mannered Camacho cigar, as opposed to their fuller-bodied offerings. Camacho Connecticut 6 X 60 cigars contain a blend of Honduran and Dominican longfillers, Honduran binders, and silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrappers. While mildly spicy, these Connecticut-wrapped cigars offer superb balance and signature Camacho body. Camacho Connecticut 6 X 60 cigars are a wonderful change of pace when you yearn for full flavor without all the strength.
See more from: Camacho Connecticut
Wrapper Natural Ecuadorian
Size 6 x 60

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List Price: $176.99