Oliva Accessories and Samplers Oliva Sampler Collection - Cigar Smoke Shop
Oliva Accessories and Samplers Oliva Sampler Collection Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Oliva Accessories and Samplers Oliva Sampler Collection

Few Nicaraguan cigar makers do premium cigars like Oliva, and this Oliva Sampler Collection is all the proof you need. Priced affordably, this sampler includes 12 cigars that span the Oliva Serie O and G, plus the Oliva Connecticut, Cain, Nub, Inferno, and more. Perfect for the avid Oliva fan, as a gift for an Oliva cigar smoker you know, or anyone looking to boost their collection with some of the best Nicaraguan cigars, this set has it all ranging from mellow to full-bodied, and everything in-between. Add one to your cart now.
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List Price: $60.99